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Welcome students to our Student Resources page! 

Where do I go If ...

Below are all the newsletter that students participated from the department and created. To view the newsletter just click the pdf.

First Newsletter of ISS - May 28, 2019

Senior Edition - January 2, 2019


I become ill/injured or need a sports medical form -----------------------   Medical office, Room 140-A

I lose mt program card -------------------------------------------------------   Student Cafeteria/Lobby

I lose my ID card --------------------------------------------------------------  Student Cafeteria/Lobby

I lose my Metrocard-----------------------------------------------------------  Room 176

I lose something --------------------------------------------------------------   Dean's Office, Room 148

I have a question about my program----------------------------------------   Guidance, Room 112

I need to speak to someone about a problem-------------------------------   Guidance, Room 112

I need a Phys. Ed. gym uniform or lock------------------------------------     Student Organization (S.O.), Room 158

I have a gym locker problem------------------------------------------------    Girls: Room 151,  Ms. McCleary/ Ms. Lawlor

                                                                                                                                                Boys: Room 164, Mr. S & Mr. McKay


I need to change my address/telephone-----------------------------------      Room: 109

I need a call home-----------------------------------------------------------      Attendance Office, Room 176 

I have a general question---------------------------------------------------       Room 105 and 107

I need information about the PA announcements-----------------------       Room 107  

I want to join a PSAL/sports team-----------------------------------------       Phys.Ed., Room 147

I want to join a club--------------------------------------------------------        Student Organization (S.O.), Room 158

I want to join the S.O.------------------------------------------------------        S.O., Room 158

I need working papers-----------------------------------------------------        Room 112/111F 

I need a Family Income Inquiry Form------------------------------------      Room 107

I have a problem with another student-----------------------------------       Dean's Office/Mediation, Room 148-A

I am being bullied/harassed-----------------------------------------------       Dean's Office, Room 148-A

I need information about graduation requirements---------------------      Guidance Office Room 112

I need information about college/career---------------------------------       College Office, Room 111-A

I need information about SAT/ACT-------------------------------------- / Room 111-A

I need information about SAT Prep Courses----------------------------        Guidance, Room 112, Room 11-A, 112 & 105

I need to give in my absence note----------------------------------------         Room 176

I need information about my labs---------------------------------------          Science, Room 331

I need to use a computer-------------------------------------------------          Library

I need to print/make a copy---------------------------------------------           Library

I need information regarding ENL-------------------------------------           Foreign Langage, Room 141

I need information regarding ISS/ Spec. Ed---------------------------           Room 333

I need information regarding JROTC----------------------------------           JROTC Office, Room 219-A

Parent need information/online accounts----------------------------            Parent Coordinator, Room 105

I need access/reset to my student online accounts-------------------            Room 105

I need tutoring ---------------------------------------------------------             Tutoring Center, Room 209

                                                                                                                                              Math: Room 239

                                                                                                                                              Science: Room 331

                                                                                                                                              English: Room 257

                                                                                                                                              Social Studies: Room 139  

                                                                                                                                              Foreign Language: Room 141



                                           IN AN EMERGENCY GO TO THE NEAREST OFFICE OR STAFF MEMBER 

                                                                     VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION,

                                                                 GENERAL INFORMATION:

                                                                COLLEGE INFORMATION:


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